Thursday 21 May 2015

Do you need a Digital Parenting App?

If you ask any parent, they will tell you that parenting is a joy. Many parents will admit that there are times when parenting can be difficult and trying but the experience is blissful because caring for a child and forming his life is a fulfilling experience. The fact that as parents it is your responsibility to nurture, care for and form your child means that parenting is a very important and serious responsibility. This is not a job that you can slack off or take a coffee break or one day decide to quit it. Your actions as a parent will very deeply affect your child – this tiny life that you have brought into the world. Every parent tries to strive hard to provide a good life for their child. The basic necessities of food, clothing and shelter is a given. But parents also have to provide for a child’s education, emotional and physical growth, and overall well-being.

In today’s day and age, in most cases you see both parents working so that they can provide their children a good life. This means that a parent cannot always be present around a child to ensure that he is secure and taken care of. Even if there is one parent at home with the child, what happens when the child has to go to nursery or school? The parent can’t know what is happening to the child while he or she is away from home. In this case a digital parenting app is a life saver! Most people are sceptical about relying on an app for the care of their child, but in recent times you can find many innovative apps in the market that can be a boon for parenting – especially in nuclear families where both parents are working. A good digital parenting app will help the parent by keeping a track of the child, keeping a record of the child’s medical history and helping the parent to conveniently stay updated with the child’s progress in school. These days there are digital parenting apps that also gives the parent the benefit of completing education related tasks like paying fees, interacting with the teachers (digitally), staying up-to-date with the child’s attendance and behaviour in school, etc. 

This is indeed the digital age and these apps help parents to conveniently and easily conduct a variety of tasks in relation to their children without adding any inconvenience to their busy work schedule. So embrace the digital age with an app that is just right for your parenting situation and requirements.

Happy digital parenting!